
Midnight Carol is from A Singing Faith. The music was composed for this hymn by Len Schroeder.

Please press the red title to hear a MIDI recording of this tune, and then re-open this window to read the poem while listening.

If you would prefer to follow the tune and text on paper you may download a PDF file of this hymn.

For permission to perform or reproduce this hymn, or for enquiries regarding the purchase of Hymns For All Seasons, please contact Jocelyn and Len Schroeder

Midnight Carol

Midnight, and hark! a cry rings out
That Christ is born, the promised one.
Take up the cry, with triumph shout
That Mary's child is God's own son –
Prophecy fulfilled,
Light from dark distilled;
Love has dawned on earth
With the Messiah's birth.

Around the world the news is spread,
To city, village, country, town.
From east to west the light is shed,
From heaven to earth the star shines down.
People all, rejoice!
Sing with eager voice
Joyful carols, songs;
Praise to the Lord belongs

As morning breaks the forest's gloom
Is brightened by the bell-bird's chime,
Pohutukawa's crimson bloom
Glows like a fire at Christmas time;
Mountain, bushland, stream
Waken from their dream.
Celebrate with me
Holy nativity.

And when the Christmas season's past
We pray its peace and hope will last,
That people will with one accord
Recall with faith their living Lord;
Born like us a child,
Angels on him smiled;
Human yet divine,
On us his lovelight shine.

Copyright © Jocelyn Marshall, 2008